Saturday, April 19, 2008

What's that Lassie? 23cent Timmy fell down? Oh well.

It was Friday night and we had just come home from work. It was such a beautiful day and it was a shame that we had to be locked inside for most of it. Mary was itching to metal detect so we had a quick dinner and set out again to toboggan hill to finish our scans from before.

We picked up Mary's mom Pat who brought her camera (because I forgot ours). Mom preferred to sit in the grass and enjoying the sunset while we detected. We started were we left off before and instantly began receiving multiple hits. After digging for over an hour in the exact spot we we started to move down the hill. We tried to approximate where the kids would have finished their toboggan runs.

We did poorly at the bottom of the big hill though the ground was damp and easy digging. We swooped around to checkout a small side hill and had a big hit a third of the way up. Using mainly the hand shovel and pin pointer we pulled over a two dozen coins out of a one foot square hole.
I kid you not!
Each little scoop revealed multiple coins. I think I found where the 'exploding Deathstar kid" finally ended up.

We ended up with 46 pieces of clad totalling $3.87.
Give us a new MASON JAR TOTAL of $11.54