Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another visit the the Quarry of Treasure

I don't know if people remember our visit to the swimming hole up north last year...

...where we found 5 rings, almost $6 in coins and 2 terrible sunburns.

Having such a good time detecting the quarry last year we have been looking forward to doing it again. We scheduled to have Monday and Tuesday off from work to get away. Monday we went to Canada’s Wonderland to ride the Behemoth. So we decided to use Tuesday to go detecting.

We got to park before 11am and we slipped into the water with our detector. The park supervisor was very interested in what we were doing. After collected a bunch of nails and bottle cap I left the water to put them in the garbage. He walk out to greet me to see what I had and took they items from my ‘junk pocket’ to throw them away for me. We had to be careful to pocket our treasures underwater and speak in code so no one could tell how we were doing.

One of the first things we found was a sterling silver belly button chain with glass stones. As we waded further out we discover a big costume jewellery ring with a large yellow glass stone. Mary refused to let me hold onto it fearing I would lose it or the park supervisor would frisk me next time I left the water. Further down the shore we pulled up 2 matching hoop ear rings. The day became cloudy and the wind was quite cool. I left the water to warm up a bit in some dry clothes and I grabbed the beach detector.

As the rain clouds descended after 3pm we left the park to grab some lunch and count the coins we had found. They totalled $9.12!!!!

No word on the sunburns yet. Though we both got a lot of sun I think we are going to be o.k.