My name is Bob.
I'm 37 (I'm not that old)
I'm engaged to Mary and we live together in St.Catharines Ontario Canada.
The point of this blog is to document our new hobby of Metal Detecting.
We are using Mary's underwater Fisher 1280x metal detector. She has had it for quite awhile and it has been only been gathering dust up until last night....
Yesterday we decided to go down to the beach to watch the sunset with the metal detector. Mary asked me if I had any change in my pocket to calibrate the device. I dropped a penny and a dime and Mary got it beeping loud and clear for me.
I began to sweep the sand and instantly began to pick up metal in the sand. We brought and hand shovel and a hand weed rake (also pictured above). At first we found a rusty nail. I didn't think much of it so I threw it back. Then we found a bottle cap which I also discarded.
It wasn't until we found a micro electronic switch with shape prongs that I realized what our purpose was: We were to remove all sharp objects from the sand where children might be playing .
We uncovered 9 rusty nails, 8 bottle caps, 26cents and several other assorted pieces of metal. One of the rusty nails stabbed me in the leg through my shorts pocket which we were scanning the playground. We stopped to threw all the metal into the garbage before I re-injured myself. The sun had set and we called it a night.Tonight we went out again to the same beach. We were stopped by 4 year old girl who wanted to know what we were doing. I replied that we are cleaning the beach so people don't get hurt. She thought this was cool and wanted to help us hunt for treasure. She took Mary's hand shovel and started digging ramdomly asking me to check were she dug for metal. Her mother watched over all of us until it was time for them to leave.
I was worried because we had a slow start that we weren't going to do as well as the previous night. But as the sun finished setting and my fanny-pack was overflowing with debris I was proven wrong.
Tonight we found 12 bottle caps, 9 rusty nails, 2 lighters, a bolt, a sparkler, 10 cents, a railway ties and several assosted chunks of metal (all pictured above) But I didn't mention the best find of all.
Even though it dosen't have a diamond I coudn't be more excited.
It's late now and I have to get to bed. I'll write more the next time we go out.
Pallet Fireplace, Ghostbusters Painting & Beatles Chair - Thanks Pinterest!
So, I LOVE looking at Pinterest, so many talented people and their amazing
We decided, what the heck, let's give it a try. :)
A) Saw a simul...
8 years ago
Great job on your first blog Bob! :o) Look forward to reading your next adventures!
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