Saturday, August 4, 2007

Reeling in the big money

It is hot and dry.

We have been experiencing this heatwave for a couple of weeks now.
When we visited Mary's parents in the middle of the week her dad mentioned that we didn't fill the hole we dug by their shed. We assured him that we ALWAYS fill our holes. But when we checked the dirt was scattered like ashes across the lawn. Some animal must of took advantage of the break in the rock hard ground that we created. I told Mary that we have to stop digging lawns until we get some rain top soften things up.

We woke up late this morning. Neither one of us wanted to leave the bed (We have a new fabric softener that smells like lavender). Squeak the cat took a nap on the bed and now he smells like lavender too.
I thought we should scan beaches today but with it being a sunny long weekend it would be really crowded down there.

Instead we decided to scan public schools. We hit a couple schools in the north end but only came up with a couple zipper pulls and a token from the ROM. Mary was feeling the heat so we took a break and when to Tim Hortons. Feeling refreshed I felt like trying my new fishing rod but Mary wanted to re-scan a nearby school. I put just a weight on my rod and cast into the playground while Mary metal detected by herself. We were both happy, but, she caught more than I did.

She found: 2 toonie, 2 loonies, 5 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickles and 14 pennies give her a total $7.64. (the greatest total ever and a school we had already scaned weeks earlier)
After dinner we went out again to the beach. Mary scanned the shore and I went into the water useing detects at the same time. I found bits of scrap iron and Mary found 12 cents with one penny being from 1932. (Our oldest coin yet!!!) This was a bestest day ever for Mary. I'm sure her head was full of happy thoughts of finding metal as she went to bed.


Mary and Bob said...

Oh ya baby! Beat that! LOL